Review How To Fix Lỗi 0X000003E3 When Connect Shared Printer, Fix: Error 0X000003E3 Printer In Windows 10

Sự thật về How To Fix Lỗi 0X000003E3 When Connect Shared Printer, Fix: Error 0X000003E3 Printer In Windows 10 là ý tưởng trong nội dung hiện tại của blog Vũ Đế. Đọc content để biết đầy đủ nhé.

Are you also experiencing Error 0x000003e3 Printer in Windows 10? This problem does not let users connect to a network printer and is pretty common after installing certain cumulative updates. Yes, the culprit sounds to be simple but it is the bug that creates a mess and ends up in several issues.

Đang xem: Fix lỗi 0x000003e3

Very recently, the release of KB4524147 surfaced Local Print Spooler Service is Not Running error which annoyed the users a lot. Likewise, many Start Menu issues are also very common among people after the installation of any security update. Therefore, you should see if there is any cumulative update installed very recently or not. If you find any, first uninstall them and then try to connect to a network printer. However, there are other factors as well that you should check while trying to fix the above printer issue.

1> Uninstall Latest Cumulative Update2> Check for Updates3> Restart Print Spooler Service4> Perform Registry Tweak

Error 0x000003e3 Printer in Windows 10 Solutions

Here is how to Fix Error 0x000003e3 Printer in Windows 10 –

1> Uninstall Latest Cumulative Update

First of all, you need to check if there is any cumulative/security update installed recently. If so, then you should immediately get rid of that patch to fix this mess up.

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Reach out to the adjacent side of the following page and click View update history.Click Uninstall updates link as shown in the given snapshot.


Make the modifications effective by clicking Apply and OK buttons. Now, try to connect the printer.

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4> Perform Registry Tweak to Fix Error 0x000003e3 Printer in Windows 10

The issue can also occur due to driver conflict and to resolve this you need to delete all the printer related registry keys. Moreover, you should also clear out all the contents from the printer’s folders as well. Let us see how to proceed with this workaround –

Note – In case of any incorrect modifications happen, you need to take a backup of the keys. This would help you to Import and Export Registry Editor when things fail to work normally.

Open File Explorer, go to the below path and remove the entire contents from the following folders –



Go to the taskbar search, type services and hit Enter. Upon the appearance of Service Manager, find and do a right-click on Print Spooler.From the flyout menu, click on Stop.Navigate to the path mentioned-below on the left sidebar of the Registry window –

ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPrintEnvironmentsUnder the Environments key, go to the correct architecture and then expand Drivers/Version 3. Once you are there, remove everything on the right pane.Then, expand Monitors, Pending Upgrades, Printers, and Providers key one by one. Delete all the DWORDs or settings present on all of them.Again launch the Services and right-click Print Spooler. Select Start. Try to add a printer and hopefully, this will not show Error 0x000003e3 Printer.That’s all!!!