Đánh giá Worship Là Gì

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Bạn đang xem: Worship là gì




worship /”wə:ʃip/ danh từ (tôn giáo) sự thờ cúng, sự cúng báifreedom of worship: sự tự do thờ cúnga worship place of worship: nơi thờ cúng, nhà thờ, đền thờ sự tôn kính, sự suy tôn, sự tôn sùngto win worship: được tôn kính, được tôn sùngyour (his) Worship ngài ngoại động từ thờ, thờ phụng, cúng bái tôn kính, suy tôn, tôn sùng nội động từ đi lễ



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Từ điển Collocation

worship noun

ADJ. daily, regular | evening, morning | Sunday | public | collective | religious | divine | Christian, Hindu, etc. | pagan | ancestor, nature, sun | idol, image | hero his hero worship of the national team | devil

VERB + WORSHIP conduct, lead Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker. | attend

PREP. in ~ the use of music in worship

PHRASES an act of worship, forms of worship, freedom of worship Under the new regime, all religions enjoy freedom of worship. | a place of worship Fifteen per cent of the population attend a place of worship.

Từ điển WordNet


the activity of worshipping


show devotion to (a deity)

Many Hindus worship Shiva

attend religious services

They worship in the traditional manner

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English Synonym and Antonym Dictionary

worships|worshiped|worshipped|worshiping|worshippingsyn.: admire adore awe cherish esteem honor idolize respect revereant.: contempt

Anh-Việt | Nga-Việt | Lào-Việt | Trung-Việt | Học từ | Tra câu

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp